The Audacity of The Covid…

So got my results back, yes indeed, I have covid, but so grateful that I am fully vaccinated, and the symptoms were really not bad, I do have a slight loss of smell and taste, but really nothing more. I have been quarantined for the last 4 days, and I just need 5 more, and I am able to go back to work. So will be heading back in on Wednesday. I am thankful and grateful for The Lord taking care of me and my sister as well.

There has been so many people coming down with this and quickly, but I feel as though we didn’t get it worse because we were vaccinated, at least that is how I feel anyway. So in the spirit I am going to enjoy the rest of my days off, before I head back to work. Until the next time, enjoy yourself.

The Flu It Is…

So yesterday I went to the walk in clinic to get tested for covid…  since I was in contact with someone who tested positive. (My sister).  So they also tested me for the flu, which came back positive!  No results back on covid, will take 2 to 3 days.  Keeping fingers crossed the results are negative.   But until then We are both out of work.  She will be able to go back to her first job come Monday, but not her second until she recieve a negative result.  I did ask my supervisor if I could use a couple days of my pto.  So until then I wait.

Life is good in the new year. Work is good, just trying to keep healthy and in good spirits. Just one week into the new year. Ah! Until next time, Y’all be safe out there.

It is Cold…

I don’t like the cold, not like that, it is way too cold for me this Sunday morning. It is in the 20’s and I just need to be warm. I have the heat cranked up to 75 degrees, and I am wearing warm socks, but I dread going out in the cold, I have to go out today to get some things for the week, I am going to try to get in and out as fast as I can, so that I can get back home and back in my warm pj’s.

The start of 2022 it is going well, I pray that it continues to prosper.